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Do you ever see something, like a picture of an outfit, and think “Geeze! That is so freaking cute!”  You go home, but something similar together, and realize that for some reason it makes your skin crawl. For me this happens frequently with one specific article of clothing: The White Button Down.

I know, I know. It’s a closet staple! It’s a Classic! It’s something every woman needs in her wardrobe! And I agree with all of that. I also just hate the way a white button down looks on me. I’ll be the first to admit, it’s most likely because I haven’t found the right one. So while I do have 2 versions of the classic in my closet, I usually shy away from them. Until last week that is.


Shirt (similar)/Blazer (Similar)/ Pants/ Jewelry (similar)/Shoes (similar)
*Pardon the phone pict*

I threw on this outfit for an early meeting on Friday, and I realized at the end of the day, I didn’t hate the button down! It didn’t fit just right, and I didn’t love it with out the blazer, but overall the outfit was one I liked.  Now I am on a quest to find the perfect white button down. I’ve found a few online that I’m going to try.


Via Express

I love this one, but I fee like it’s not THE Classic Button Down I’m looking for.


Via Nordstrom

The Limited

Via The Limited

The last two are much more the “Classic” Button Down that I’m looking for. The Nordstrom shirt looks a little less fitted, but I like sleeves. The shirt from The Limited looks more slim fit, a little more body conscious. I’m really curious about this shirt, and while I’m willing to invest in this wardrobe staple, I’m not sure if it’s worth the investment.

Do you have a favorite white button down? Is there a brand with a perfect fit? I’d love to hear from you!